Ellie Brayton


Project Overview

IMHA is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to working with communities across the globe to promote mental health and implement culturally-grounded programs that empower and support individuals. IMHA sprouted up in 2020, and what began as a single program in Bangladesh has grown into a global non-profit currently active in Africa (East, West, and Southern), North America, and South Asia. The internet has been a vital tool in spreading IMHA’s global reach, allowing them to connect with community leaders outside of the United States who support IMHA’s mission and desire to implement programs that improve the well-being of their communities.

The Challenge

The digital strategy team was primarily in charge research through reviewing market trends, competitor and industry analysis, and creating a SWOT analysis. We found that direct and indirect competitors' strengths were implementing content messaging campaigns, strong social media presence, and better brand recognition.

For my role, I was focused on increasing brand awareness and creating a strong brand identity. The new website not only had to implement the new branding, but also better communicate IMHA’s goals and increase engagement with the hopes of leading to more donations and partnerships. We hoped to achieve this by creating a more organized site, adding call-to-action buttons, and also creating

Logo Design & Proposal

IMHA’s logo is made up of four distinct color drops of aqua, lime green, coral, and blue that form a circle, symbolizing how individual people and groups come together to form a community. The four parts signify IMHA’s core values - empathy, inclusivity, creativity, and authenticity. The color palette utilizes a mixture of warm and cool colors that are welcoming and comforting without feeling overwhelming

Final Design

I created low-fidelity wireframes to get a greater sense of how each page will be laid out. I completely changed the design of the ‘Class Schedule’ page from my sketches. Instead of emphasizing the days of the week, I listed out the available classes and its relevant information. I included the ability to filter and specify which class they are interested in. I scratched the ‘Register’ page because it felt a little redundant to go through the form and select a class when users could just use the schedule to register directly for that class. Then they could be redirected to another form specific to that class or Paypal.