Ellie Brayton

Such A Good Dog

Project Overview

Such A Good Dog is local canine training facility based in Huntsville, AL. It’s mission is to help owners better communicate with their four-legged friends through structured classes and with the help of certified trainers.

This project was part of my final project as part of my Mass Communications Theory course. The initial task was to provide hi-fidelity mock-ups to a small businesses website using the mass communication theory we learned in class. We were also asked to write out own copy for our mock-ups instead of using lorem ipsum text. I have expanded the scope of this project to include UX research and build the website.

Identifying Painpoints

I went through the site and identified some potential UX concerns. In the first section, I address how the site is currently organizing itself, and argue the necessity of creating a visually engaging websites through employing color and images. In the second section, I created a user map in order to identify specific UX problems and frustrations based on my personas.

These are some expected usability issues I found:
No ‘About’ link, everything about the organization is on the home page
- Important information such as pricing, class details, etc. is hard to find within text
- Some links lead to an external 404 page
- Reliance on back button
- Links are only distinguishable by an underline


I started sketching out some of my layout ideas for the website. This would be a more time efficient way to get my ideas on paper and address any questions or concerns.

Low-Fidelity Mockups

I created low-fidelity wireframes to get a greater sense of how each page will be laid out. I completely changed the design of the ‘Class Schedule’ page from my sketches. Instead of emphasizing the days of the week, I listed out the available classes and its relevant information. I included the ability to filter and specify which class they are interested in. I scratched the ‘Register’ page because it felt a little redundant to go through the form and select a class when users could just use the schedule to register directly for that class. Then they could be redirected to another form specific to that class or Paypal.

Color & Typography

I wanted to stay true to the original color palette. I pulled #0f75aa and #22964a from the logo to use as accent colors throughout the website. The two colors, #9dc41c and #22964a are featured most prominently throughout the site. My itent was to add more bright colors to make the site pop, but still maintaining a professional look to the site. As for the typeface, I chohse a font that was modern and easy to read on all types of devices

Final Design